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Energy Savers! ⚡️ Today, our newly appointed Eco Committee met for the first time. They discussed what they want the role to include this year and started to explore the website. They have got some exciting plans for the year ahead!#HPASK#EnergySparks— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () January 14, 2025


First Day of Term! We are looking forward to welcoming back all our families to HPASK tomorrow for the start of the Spring Term. See you at 8.30am!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () January 6, 2025


End of term! A term of transition has come to an end. A big thank you to the whole school community for embracing the need for change. Have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you in 2025!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 20, 2024


A festive message from the staff to our community!— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 20, 2024


Seasons Greetings from HPASK! Our community is full of so many different languages - but we are all saying the same…. Merry Christmas!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 20, 2024


Festive Jumper Day! 🎅 Last Friday, our school experienced a festive takeover as we all came to HPASK wearing our favourite winter jumpers!— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 16, 2024


Christmas Lunch! 🎄 Last Friday, our catering team served up a delicious festive lunch for all our children to enjoy!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 16, 2024


IT know how to have fun! Jay, our IT technician, was full of Christmas joy has he joined our singing rehearsal this afternoon…. Thankfully, he’s not intending to give up the day job anytime soon!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 16, 2024


Y3 and Y4 Festive Singing 🎶 Our Y3 and Y4 children treated us to a festive singalong this afternoon. Thank you to everyone that attended. Y1 and Y2 up next tomorrow - same time, same place!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 16, 2024


HPASK Winter Concert 🎶 It’s a packed house at South Kenton this evening as we host our Winter Concert. Some festive tunes, poems and a lot of talent on show!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 12, 2024


EYFS Nativity 🎄 Our festive performances kicked off in style today as our Reception children performed the Nativity Story. Lots of great singing and confident acting from our youngest pupils! Five stars! 🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 10, 2024


Earthquakes and Volcanoes 🌋 Last week, our Y4 children took part in a volcanoes and earthquakes workshop. They explored where they occurred around the world and what different types of tremors might feel like!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 10, 2024


A pink and blue Christmas! The festive season is well underway at HPASK! Is there a better sight than the school colours covering our Christmas Tree?#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 9, 2024


School Charity 24/25 🩷💙 Following much deliberation by our Pupil Parliament, we are delighted to announce our nominated school charity for this year. This academic year we will be supporting Daniel’s Den, a local charity doing great work in our community!— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 9, 2024


Gingerbread! 👩‍🍳 This week, to help them with their writing, our Reception children have been making Gingerbread Men. Can you guess which story they have been reading?#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 18, 2024


Give your child the best possible start to their Primary School Education! We are hosting a number of open days for parents and carers of prospective Reception children due to start school in September 2025. Sign up via our website! 💻— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 14, 2024


Reading! 📚 Reading is a top priority at South Kenton. From Reception to Year 6 there is nothing more important. This week our EYFS children have loved accessing their reading sheds!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 14, 2024


Y5 Forces Workshop 🔨 Today, Year 5 attempted to become Lego Masters. They used all their Science learning about forces to complete a range of challenges. These included making the strongest bridge and the tallest tower!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 14, 2024


Community Champions - November Our theme this month is Remembrance. Today every class presented a poppy as part of our Armistice Day assembly. Every poppy was unique and demonstrated each class coming together as a team.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 11, 2024


Remembrance The whole community fell silent today at 11am to have a moment of reflection as part of our Remembrance assembly today.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 11, 2024

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Intent: Introduction, Vision and Philosophy 

The purpose of this document is to clarify the how, why, and what of English teaching at Harris Primary Academy South Kenton. This is to be used by staff to clarify expectations, highlight the resources that we have at our disposal, and to ensure that a high-quality English curriculum is being taught to all. At Harris Primary South Kenton, we want our children to be creative writers who read for pleasure, as well as for information. They learn a wide range of vocabulary and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and the spoken language. We instil in our children the importance of discussion to learn; they are taught to be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas. 

At Harris Primary South Kenton, we believe that children should be able to speak and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others and through their reading and listening, others can communicate with them. Through reading, children have the chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society; pupils, therefore, who do not learn to speak, read and write fluently and confidently are effectively disenfranchised.  

Implementation:  What does English look like at HPASK? 

English is taught across the school focusing on the following different skills: Phonics, SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar), Reading, Handwriting, Speaking and listening, and writing. We teach Reading, Phonics, Spelling and Handwriting separately outside of our English lessons as these are key skills the children will need in order to access the learning in their English lesson and therefore must be given precedence. 


Phonics is taught in 40-minute lessons to give children quick, regular practise at least 5 times a week. From EYFS children begin the Read Write Inc (RWI) programme. Lesson plans are taken from the lesson structures in the RWI folders (in each classroom) and children are taught initial sounds alongside a mnemonic to help their recall. The programme is designed to ensure that children are taught reading rigorously; ensuring that they have the skills to approach new words with confidence, and developing their fluency to ensure they are able to become competent readers.  

Each 40-minute phonics session has a minimum of three RWI ‘lessons’. 

SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) 

SPaG is taught as part of the main English lesson each day. Lessons follow a weekly (or however long is needed) focus on a different punctuation, grammar or spelling focus for each week using the National Curriculum guidelines along with the school’s SPaG overview. Lessons will go together with the genre of writing that is being taught in literacy lessons to accompany the skills that they need to learn for that particular writing style.  

Spellings are taught once a week and focus on a spelling pattern for each week. The children are taught using a task that they are then able to take home to practise along with a list of spellings containing that pattern. These are tested weekly (every Wednesday) at the start of each English lesson. 


Whole class reading is taught throughout the school. There are 5 reading lessons per week, each lasting for 30 minutes. Each session will then focus on a reading statement allowing children to develop all the skills they need to be effective readers- vocabulary choices, grammar choices, prediction, inference and deduction, authorial intent and style etc. Each of these skills is presented to the children as a detective skill.   

Achievement will be measured through learning walks, pupil voice interviews and the outcomes of reading assessments. 

The expectation is that all children in the Academy read every night and record this on their bookmark.


Children take part in regular handwriting practise every day. Handwriting is a practised skill that they take part in before their English lesson or after lunchtime. Using the Nelson handwriting programme, children practise the set of patterns by copying the joins from the IWB before moving on to forming words using these joins. Joins are introduced at the end of year 1. 

English lessons 

At HPASK we teach children writing skills through a range of vocabulary rich texts. Each year group focuses on one text per half term and teaching is supported by the reading of the texts. Suggested genres are available to teachers to help teach different writing skills across a unit; a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry genres are taught. Genres of writing will often span over one or two weeks depending on the genre and writing outcome. To become immersed in the subject matter, teaching sequences may cover speaking and listening or drama activities. These ensure that children can listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers, ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge and use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary. Children participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates to develop their speaking skills. Teachers are encouraged to use a range of techniques, including Talk for Writing. From speaking and listening activities, lessons will then move on to grammar skills (if necessary) and then begin to plan, using various methods, their final writing outcome. Children are given the opportunity to edit and make final drafts before presenting their work.  

Impact - Evidence and Assessment 

Recording of lessons in English books is required to show a journey of the child’s learning through each topic. The work in their books supports their ability to remember what learning has come before their current learning. Children can record their lesson in the most appropriate way; a range of different methods is encouraged to allow children to be exposed to different ways of demonstrating their understanding. Photographs of drama lessons, for example, are a good way of reminding children of what skills they learned in that drama lesson and they should be given the opportunity to reflect on this learning.  

Assessments of the children’s writing is made half-termly whereby a range of extended, independent writing is used to assess the progress and attainment of their writing.