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Energy Savers! ⚡️ Today, our newly appointed Eco Committee met for the first time. They discussed what they want the role to include this year and started to explore the website. They have got some exciting plans for the year ahead!#HPASK#EnergySparks— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () January 14, 2025


First Day of Term! We are looking forward to welcoming back all our families to HPASK tomorrow for the start of the Spring Term. See you at 8.30am!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () January 6, 2025


End of term! A term of transition has come to an end. A big thank you to the whole school community for embracing the need for change. Have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you in 2025!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 20, 2024


A festive message from the staff to our community!— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 20, 2024


Seasons Greetings from HPASK! Our community is full of so many different languages - but we are all saying the same…. Merry Christmas!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 20, 2024


Festive Jumper Day! 🎅 Last Friday, our school experienced a festive takeover as we all came to HPASK wearing our favourite winter jumpers!— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 16, 2024


Christmas Lunch! 🎄 Last Friday, our catering team served up a delicious festive lunch for all our children to enjoy!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 16, 2024


IT know how to have fun! Jay, our IT technician, was full of Christmas joy has he joined our singing rehearsal this afternoon…. Thankfully, he’s not intending to give up the day job anytime soon!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 16, 2024


Y3 and Y4 Festive Singing 🎶 Our Y3 and Y4 children treated us to a festive singalong this afternoon. Thank you to everyone that attended. Y1 and Y2 up next tomorrow - same time, same place!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 16, 2024


HPASK Winter Concert 🎶 It’s a packed house at South Kenton this evening as we host our Winter Concert. Some festive tunes, poems and a lot of talent on show!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 12, 2024


EYFS Nativity 🎄 Our festive performances kicked off in style today as our Reception children performed the Nativity Story. Lots of great singing and confident acting from our youngest pupils! Five stars! 🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 10, 2024


Earthquakes and Volcanoes 🌋 Last week, our Y4 children took part in a volcanoes and earthquakes workshop. They explored where they occurred around the world and what different types of tremors might feel like!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 10, 2024


A pink and blue Christmas! The festive season is well underway at HPASK! Is there a better sight than the school colours covering our Christmas Tree?#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 9, 2024


School Charity 24/25 🩷💙 Following much deliberation by our Pupil Parliament, we are delighted to announce our nominated school charity for this year. This academic year we will be supporting Daniel’s Den, a local charity doing great work in our community!— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () December 9, 2024


Gingerbread! 👩‍🍳 This week, to help them with their writing, our Reception children have been making Gingerbread Men. Can you guess which story they have been reading?#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 18, 2024


Give your child the best possible start to their Primary School Education! We are hosting a number of open days for parents and carers of prospective Reception children due to start school in September 2025. Sign up via our website! 💻— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 14, 2024


Reading! 📚 Reading is a top priority at South Kenton. From Reception to Year 6 there is nothing more important. This week our EYFS children have loved accessing their reading sheds!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 14, 2024


Y5 Forces Workshop 🔨 Today, Year 5 attempted to become Lego Masters. They used all their Science learning about forces to complete a range of challenges. These included making the strongest bridge and the tallest tower!#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 14, 2024


Community Champions - November Our theme this month is Remembrance. Today every class presented a poppy as part of our Armistice Day assembly. Every poppy was unique and demonstrated each class coming together as a team.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 11, 2024


Remembrance The whole community fell silent today at 11am to have a moment of reflection as part of our Remembrance assembly today.#HPASK— Harris Primary Academy South Kenton () November 11, 2024

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Intent: Introduction, Vision and Philosophy

The purpose of this information is to clarify the how, why, and what of PSHE teaching at Harris Primary Academy South Kenton. This is to be used by staff to clarify expectations, highlight the resources that we have at our disposal, and to ensure that a high-quality PSHE curriculum is being taught to all.  

Within PSHE at HPASK, we want our children to learn about themselves as developing individuals and as members of their communities, building on their own experiences and on the Early Learning Goals for personal, social and emotional development within the EYFS. To achieve this, they will learn the basic rules and skills for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving appropriately. They also have opportunities to show that they can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. They will begin to learn about their own and other people's feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of other children and other people. As members of a class and school community, they will learn social skills, such as how to share, take turns, play, help others, resolve simple arguments and identify bullying. They will begin to take an active part in the life of their school and the wider community. 

As they mature and develop during Key Stage 2, they will learn about themselves as growing and changing individuals with their own experiences and ideas, and as members of their communities. They learn about the wider world and the interdependence of communities within it. They develop their sense of social justice and moral responsibility and begin to understand that their own choices and behaviour can affect local, national or global issues and political and social institutions. They learn how to take part more fully in school and community activities. As they begin to develop into young adults, they face the changes of puberty and transfer to secondary school with support and encouragement from the school. They learn how to make more confident and informed choices about their health and environment; to take more responsibility, individually and as a group, and for their own learning. 
What does PSHE look like at HPASK? Overview: 

At HPASK we take a whole school approach that provides a scheme of learning from the foundation stage through to Key Stage 2. 

Our PSHE curriculum is centred on a values based, ‘Growth Mindset’ approach and is divided into six half- termly units. The units are tailored to each year group under the following themes. 

  • Being my Best 

  • Me and My Relationships 

  • Keeping Myself Safe 

  • Valuing Difference 

  • Growing and Changing 

  • Rights and Responsibilities 

We also have eleven ‘Value words’ at HPASK; one for each school month. These words are embedded into the curriculum and school ethos through weekly assemblies, stories, songs and PSHE lessons. They are: The Golden Rules (Show Respect, Take Responsibility and Always Make the Right Choice), Empathy, Friendship, Positivity, Creativity, Individuality, Curiosity, Kindness, Resilience, Patience and Courage. The British Values: Democracy, The Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Individual Liberty, Tolerance of those of Different Faith and Beliefs are also highlighted through assemblies and within the PSHE curriculum.    

Each year group has a PSHE celebration book, which they will use to record the learning in each class. The children are taught PSHE once a week, with the expectation that one piece of work/photographic evidence will be added to the shared book by one class every week. One piece of work/evidence per month will focus on the teaching of the ‘Value word’ of the month. 

Impact: Evidence and Assessment 

PSHE lessons are evidenced using an end of unit video which captures the pupils learning. All teachers are encouraged to be flexible and imaginative in the way that they choose to record their lessons. They may choose to use photographs of lessons with annotations or speech bubbles. Alternatively, they may choose a piece of written work from a group or individual children.  One piece of work from the year group will be entered each week to show learning across each unit topic and incorporating our Value word.  

At Harris Primary South Kenton, we expect the children to show evidence through their class books and building on key skills each year. Children are given a safe space in which to discuss their feelings, opinions and develop their emotional intelligence. Our teachers include a range of formal and informal assessment tools to review how the children have progressed over the term. This includes:

  • circle time and pupil voice 

  • focus questions designed to challenge misconceptions   

  • enquiry tasks

  • standards of learning in independent task

  • end of unit questions and quizzing